Eastern Garter Snake
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Range in Florida:entire state
Maximum length: 4 feet
Identification based on:
Florida's Fabulous Reptiles & Amphibians
by Pete Carmichael and Winston Williams
(c) World Publications 2006
Tenth Edition 2006
L.C. No. 91-065778
ISBN: 0-911977-11-2
page 34
This snake I've only seen
in the backyard once
Southern Black Racer
Coluber constrictor priapus
Range in Florida:most of the Florida mainland and the Lower Keys
Maximum length: 6 feet
Identification based on:
Florida's Fabulous Reptiles & Amphibians
by Pete Carmichael and Winston Williams
(c) World Publications 2006
Tenth Edition 2006
L.C. No. 91-065778
ISBN: 0-911977-11-2
page 39
This snake I've seen many times all around the house, on the ground and in the bushes. Lately I've seen two of them together several times. Once I found one with 5 or 7 eggs around it curled up in an irrigation valve housing (I quickly slammed the lid back on without getting a good count of the eggs).
According to the book referenced above these snakes are active in the daytime and prey on:
rats, mice, frogs, toads, lizards, birds, & other snakes
The main concern I have when I see a snake in my yard is whether it is venomous or not.
So far I have been lucky enough to encounter only nonvenomous snakes.
Florida only has 6 venomous snakes (out of 47 species of snakes that inhabit the state) according to D. Bruce Means, Ph.D., (FLORIDA WILDLIFE / September-October 1999).
The list of Florida's venomous snakes is as follows:
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
Canebrake Rattlesnake
Pigmy Rattlesnake
Cottonmouth or Water Moccasin
Coral Snake